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Mint cream dream catcher on turquoise te
Mint cream dream catcher on turquoise te

Dream Catcher

RSCJ West Region

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The Dream Catcher Team has created a process to help us to connect with each other, to prepare and walk together to the Special Chapter 2021. The first step in this process of discernment is to gather information through conversation, using a "contemplative dialogue" process, in which we discover what the spirit wants to tell us individually and with communally.

This process calls us to listen deeply, share honestly and sincerely welcome each person’s thoughts and insights. We invite you to enter into an experience that underpins who we are called to be as Religious of the Sacred Heart -- a dialogue that transforms us, that enables us to enter into the Heart of Jesus, “to contemplate reality and to experience it with His Heart, to commit ourselves to the service of the Kingdom and to grow in love” (see Constitutions, paragraphs 17-23). We want to embark on this adventure with great freedom and detachment which will only grow and move forward when we have an "open mind, open heart and open will" (Theory U).

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